Underground Civil Engineering Contractor: Preventing Damages

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One of the most essential parts of civil engineering activities is underground construction works. Construction is critical to the overall success of a project. Underground engineering work can be put into two groups: underground utility work and underground work that does not involve digging for utilities.

Underground civil engineering is a term used to describe the various tasks that need to be done under the ground. Many of these projects involve digging deep holes, laying foundations and constructing tunnels. These are only some of the many underground civil engineering works that need to be done in order to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Importance of working with an underground engineering contractor

Civil engineering has to be kept in order and needs to comply with the right quality and quantity. This will be ensured by civil engineers. They have to take precautions to avoid possible damage to accomplish their work effectively.

After all, underground engineering solutions are usually handled by a professional company. If you choose to take on the project yourself, be aware of all the risks that may arise through general neglect. Also, use a licensed contractor so your insurance claim would not be turned down should something goes wrong.

The most common problem faced by clients is when access to the right equipment for the task at hand is denied. For example, when excavating for foundation, check whether the right type of equipment is utilised for the task. If sufficient experience is lacking in this area, it is best to hire an expert contractor.

What are the common risks in underground engineering?

The damages caused by the underground civil engineering contractor include:

  • Collapse of soil – happens when there is too much water in the soil, causing it to collapse.
  • Ponding – occurs when there is too much water in a particular area.
  • Slumping – occurs when there is excessive pressure on the man-made structure.
  • Sinkholes – happens when there is soil erosion due to heavy rainfall or flooding.

Underground civil engineering is a complex process requiring the in-depth expertise of a contractor. In order to prevent any damage, there are various precautions to be taken.

Preventing underground engineering damage

1) Know the limits
Make it a point to know the limits before attempting any task. If unsure about what is being done, ask someone knowledgeable about it or hire a certified expert who comes with immense experience in the field.

2) Evaluate and identify potential hazards
Inspections are important when involved in underground civil engineering as it allows to check all aspects of the work prior to starting construction so any defects can be corrected. Possible dangers to look out for are: falling objects, electrocution risks and inadequate ventilation systems.

3) Use the right tools and equipment
Proper equipment in the field of construction is crucial. Take advantage of using tools designed specifically for its type of work.

Malfunctioning while working on a project site could result in loss of life or serious injury, among other things such as property damage, if it were to collapse or cave in unexpectedly due to faulty equipment parts.

4) Obtain permission from authorities before digging
An important step and one which many people forget about when they do their own excavation in the ground is obtaining legal permission. Failure to do so results in more problems than necessary, as well as potential legal issues if labourers get injured during the digging project.

Ensure your projects are safe and secured with Lih Ming

When problems are caused by ground shifting and soil erosion, the site may be costly due to the large amount of excavation required to fix the problem, as well as the labour costs of removing and replacing the damaged structures.

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when doing underground work, but it all comes down to one thing: choosing the right company with the best training, skill and experience for the job.

Contact our team at Lih Ming on +65 6555 2555 to minimise the risk of damage with training, planning and best practices of civil underground engineering.

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